Thursday, December 8, 2011

Outraged About Rachel Crow Leaving X Factor

Tonight, Rachel Crow has left the X Factor competition after battling against Marcus Canty. The judges were left at a deadlock and the results were left up to America's votes, and sadly Rachel had the least amount when compared to Marcus's scorecard.

Rachel Crow

Paula and Nicole, have shown little support for the women of the competition and they seem to lack that girl power that they should have. Even though this is Marcus's 3rd week in the bottom two, he still gets to continue on which doesn't seem too fair at all.

Now, Marcus can sing ,but he has not shown the consistency that Rachel has. L.A. Reid is trying to make Marcus into the next, "Bobby Brown", why he is trying to do that is beyond me. Marcus goes hard with these outlandish performances, dancing all over the place and tipping hats he looks ridiculous, and his notes are pretty sloppy. When he isn't trying so hard and he is just being Marcus, the dude got some skills, but otherwise his performances are not too noteworthy to me.

Nicole was getting on my nerves tonight, getting all emotional, and confused.If she wanted Marcus Canty to win she should have just said so she is entitled to her opinion. My heart goes out for Rachel but I know that there are bigger things out there for her.

My list is down to one: Melanie, Rachel, Drew  who are you rooting for? Next week If you ask me, its time for Marcus to go, I am getting tired of him flip flopping all over the place. 


tj said...

Marcus should have went home last night because Rachel out sung him, Marcus was singing of key for two weeks. Nicole was scared to choose and LA. Reid was not going by who had the best vocals.

Ariane said...

@Tj exactly, I felt bad for her, but she will be alright. I am glad they are thinking about bringing Kelly Rowland over next season instead of Nicole she is way too emotional.


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